Ungh [ 2005-01-04, 3:08 p.m. ]

I can tell already that the next two weeks is going to be a major test of my patience.

Every moment there is some uncomfort in my life, or something that annoys me. The odd thing is that I tend to view myself as easy going, so I guess one of two things must be happening.

1. I am not easy going or laid back.

2. My life is really fucking annoying.

I like to think that it is the latter, combined with a slight touch of me being sick and tired of living here and having to listen to the incessant drivel of stupid fucking people that live here.

It's like they can't talk to me without them annoying me in some way. Anything they say can be taken as annoying. I shit you not.

I especially hate how they all just sit around chatting all the time and pile the work on my desk. So fucking what if I am online? You're fucking GOSSIPING!!! So what's the difference? Assholes.

Well, now that I have vented I can go back to worrying about things more relavent to my current situation.

Not even two weeks. Fright.

last - next

Fatty Sat On A Two Hole Punch - 2005-01-10
Whoa - 2005-01-07
Ungh - 2005-01-04
I've Really Done It Now - 2005-01-03
The Moon and Antartica - 2004-12-31