Blizzow [ 2004-10-19, 3:25 p.m. ]

I just finally, after all this time, this very moment, found out what "amenable" means. HAHHAHAH! I am the master.

I wanted to say thanks, though.

For those of you not-in-the-know, I have received loads of good advice today, mostly around my lunch time, and now am in the best mood that I have been in in quite some time. I feel more at peace with, well, everything. The little bit of the spark I used to have (the one that might have made L. cringe when we were walking around downtown financial district Toronto late at night and I decided that that moment was the best time to belt out some good old musical numbers) feels like it is resurfacing. It had been gone for ... well, since I don't know when.

I am to do what I WANT to do, not what I feel like I SHOULD do. Mmmmmmhmmmmm.

P.S. I just overheard someone in the office say, "No, colour, c-o-l-o-r." And the funny part is that the Americans think that they are spelling it correctly! Heeeeeee!

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Fatty Sat On A Two Hole Punch - 2005-01-10
Whoa - 2005-01-07
Ungh - 2005-01-04
I've Really Done It Now - 2005-01-03
The Moon and Antartica - 2004-12-31