Verily. [ 2004-10-12, 10:37 a.m. ]

Fucking christ.

"Posed" as in, "I am posed to do my homework to get good grades" IS NOT A FUCKING WORD. CHRIST!!!

I am slightly annoyed. Stupid ass who was on vacation is now back, and I hate him so much that if he were to die in the office, right in front of my eyes, I think I would laugh and probably even clap. Hah!

What? Bitter and hateful? Taking out frustrations in my own life on other people? SO FUCKING WHAT.

I am getting my bitch on people. I have been a quivering, whimpering mass of soft, mushy SHIT for far too long. In less than two months I am out of here, and to pull through my bitch engine has to be running at full force. I need to be able to leave this crap place behind me without feeling bad for other people. I need to remember that it is ME that is suffering right now.

So this weekend was shit, as always. He bitched me out in public and I said nothing and just fumed silently. He was a jerk for a whole evening at home. Damn it. I just want to be able to say what I feel now that I am beginning to feel like a real person again, but that would most likely fuck up all my plans to leave.

It's like he wants a little fucking robot to just do whatever he wants it to do. Do this, do that, do this. Quit doing that, blah blah blah. He bitches immensely everytime I make a descision on my own for myself. I hate it so so so so so much.

I missed Canadian Thanksgiving. I wanted turkey. Fucking America and their backwards holidays. Thanksgiving in November? What the hell. It's much better to spread out the turkey loving, trust me.

And I would just like to say that all the people that are supportive through this have blown my mind. I didn't expect people to be so willing to help me out. It feels good to know that people actually want me around.

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Fatty Sat On A Two Hole Punch - 2005-01-10
Whoa - 2005-01-07
Ungh - 2005-01-04
I've Really Done It Now - 2005-01-03
The Moon and Antartica - 2004-12-31