Kinda Late, Isn't It? [ 2004-12-08, 11:30 p.m. ]

I haven't had enough time for much lately. Everything in my life seems ruled by what people need or want me to do. I don't think that I have ever had such an overwhelming feeling of oppression and responsibility. I used to be so damn carefree.

I wake up tired no matter what time I get to bed so I have been staying up later the past week or so and trying to get some quiet time in the evenings. I think it's helping, but how can you really be sure?

I can't seem to save up any more money right now. What little I did have dwindled and it seems like things keep coming up. It's really getting hard to explain why I don't want to spend $50 on groceries each week. I know I could eat cheaper, but it's just the reasons. What could I possibly say to justify the massive portions of Ramen?

On a good note, I found out that I am going to get TWO WEEKS bonus instead of the one week bonus I was anticipating. Hopefully that will help add to the eroded "Get The Fuck Out Of Dodge" fund.

I get to do a Christmas layout for someone very special, and it makes me feel good. Part of the inner circle in some way, I guess. Also, I spoke to bacon butties and got a secret picture that if I tell you about he will... bomb me, or something. So I'm not to say a word. So I didn't just type this.

Life is so depressing and tedious at times, it makes me wonder why I think it is really magical and wonderous. I just want to find the good times again and then stay there for a bit.

I found out what a friend is getting me for Christmas and it turns out to be a very thoughtful and cool gift. It's things like that that make me sad to leave. I know that I have to, but god fucking damn it. God fucking damn it, already.

Do I really have to live through 80 more years of this crap? Not specifically this situation, but isn't there always going to be shitty things around that I have to deal with? All I really want is a break. One year, out of all the years that I have to live, just one year of not feeling fucking exhausted with it all.

Was I born 90?

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Fatty Sat On A Two Hole Punch - 2005-01-10
Whoa - 2005-01-07
Ungh - 2005-01-04
I've Really Done It Now - 2005-01-03
The Moon and Antartica - 2004-12-31