20 Things [ 2004-12-11, 2:14 p.m. ]


1. He drools when he sleeps and it stains the sheets and especially the pillows orange.

2. He "honks" my tits.

3. He is racist.

4. He is greedy.

5. He is narcissistic.

6. He wants me to be impressed by everything about him, which really bothers me although I can't pin down exactly why.

7. Everything in the house is "his" and the stuff that is mine is frequently referred to as "crap" (which would be yarn and clothes and a few books).

8. He gets upset if I don't buy him the perfect gift. Instead of realizing I was thinking of him he demeans the present and talks about how I obviously didn't think of him because I should have known he would have hated the present.

9. I cried on Valentines Day because of 8.

10. We eat the same things, over and over and over.

11. When it comes time to eat he asks me repeatedly what I want. Each time I suggest something he says "I don't like that. Why do you keep saying things I don't like?" And then when I tell him to pick because he is clearly more picky than I am he gets pissed off.

11. He wakes me up in the morning and won't let me sleep in.

12. He goes to bed at NINE THRITY AT NIGHT.

13. He yells at me for things he does all the time but will deny ever doing them even if I am standing in front of him with proof.

14. "Helmut", "brut", "all of the sudden", "shampane", and on and on.

15. Telling me he is a better writer than I am despite 14.

16. Making the same jokes over and over and over when they were only half funny because of their extreme bad taste and general stupidity the first time around.

17. Thinking he is so much better than everything and everyone else.

18. How he hates everything.

19. How everything in his life has to be the way it was when he was a kid. I am so sick of fucking hearing about his childhood that I wish all kids were dead.

20. Because no matter how much I do for him, or what I buy him for gifts, or how extreme my reality was when I was growing up, he always does more, buys more and was more extreme than me.

This list will be added to as I go, to rev up for the Big D Day in January. I need to keep focused and have plenty of reminders of how much he truely sucks.

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Fatty Sat On A Two Hole Punch - 2005-01-10
Whoa - 2005-01-07
Ungh - 2005-01-04
I've Really Done It Now - 2005-01-03
The Moon and Antartica - 2004-12-31